It’s important to avoid overstretching yourself financially. If you think you’ll struggle to keep up repayments, make sure you get advice on the maximum amount of money you can afford to spend on house repayments each month, without getting into trouble. You will also need to take the daily running costs of owning a home into consideration, such as household bills, council tax, insurance and maintenance costs. At the end of the day, all these expenses can really add up!
Lenders are required to see proof of your income such as salary slips or bank statements, as well as your other financial commitments such as outstanding debts. They will most likely ask you for information about household expenses, child maintenance and personal expenses such as insurance and travel costs.
This information is essential for lenders to know that you will be able to keep up with your mortgage repayments, should interest rates increase. It’s important to know that they are well within their rights to refuse you a mortgage if they don’t think you’ll be able to afford it.