Your credit score helps banks and lenders decide whether or not to lend you money. Your credit score is based on your personal data, though each company may calculate it slightly differently. The higher your credit score, the stronger your chances of being offered credit. A good rating can help you borrow larger amounts or even pay less interest. In almost every country in the world, your credit score is the gateway to borrowing the money you need, so it is important to look after it.
An Experian account allows you to access your Experian Credit Score for free. Your credit score is updated every 30 days from when you log in, giving you the most up to date reading every time you check it.
Your Experian credit score is a number from 0-999 that is worked out based on your credit history and other information. It can also help you to get a good idea of how lenders may view you as a potential client. The system works like this: the higher your score, the more likely you’ll be approved for credit cards, personal loans and mortgages.